HIGH-TECC 2009 – Day 2 – July 21

Dan Presenting Dan Epstein of ReSource Pro began the day discussing Driving Efficiency & Enterprise Value with Business Process Outsourcing. Dan provided a brief presentation on what Business Process Outsourcing is and how it enhances an agencies ability to build their client relationships. He then opened up the session to questions, answers and discussions. This was one of the best open forums and exchange of information I have been involved in for some time.

The 2nd half of the morning is comprised of three break out sessions. The sessions are 2015 & Beyond with Pat Alexander, Social Networking Hands-On with April Feldt and Boosting your Top Line Revenue with Mitch Axelrod. Since I was a presenter I am asking other attendees to give their comments and observations via the blog comments.

Steve is kicking off the afternoon with his Your Questions Answered session. Steve requests attendees to provide questions or issues relating to agency technologies. He asked the attendees at the session to identify which of these or other subjects which are the most important. The 1st subject being discussed all the various issues and products around passwords needed by agency staff. The 2nd subject is about email management. On subject morphs into another. Next we discussing email content in addition to managing other media. The next subject begins at do you want to talk about agency websites. A large range of subjects are being discussed. The session was closed with a discussion on connecting to your client with chat, web conferencing and other similar products.

The final sessions of the day are two breakout sessions which are Mac Workshop with Barry Klein and Tough Economy: Opportunities or Problems with Jack Burke.
I am requesting that those of you that would like to provide feedback on the breakout sessions, please tie to the comments to this post. Other feedback and discussion is welcome as well.

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  • Tom Greco

    I attended the Mac camp with Barry and most in attendance either had an i-phone or mac. Spent the first part goin over the keyboard and shortcuts with the function keys. Windows can now be run on a mac using fusion or parallels software.
    had a great video on 'who said men can't multitask' to demonstrate VLC which plays video in any format on a mac.
    1 password software stores password in a secure state. At the end went over some new i-phone applications that were very interesting

    on you tube guy kawaski 10 things on inovation

    the new agency
    the new client
    seniors are moving into retirement
    what is the current age of our clients
    how many of existing staff will be retiring
    direct mail is working with the younger generation
    go to vaughn insurance agency to develop a facebook account
    also diversified insurance agency
    writing blogs on the agency web site let the local media know about your blogs
    nationwide i phone apps
    develop a trusted choice i phone applcation

    the new agency owner

    hire young agents and mentor with other young agents not old ones
    right roles with the producer
    niche marketing high end homes nationwide
    tracking the prospects ask why the did not buy get their e-mail addresses
    goals of new sales manager
    create multiple inbond communication prospects and services the agency provides

    knight-dix agency web site

    the new csr
    move from reactive service to proactive service
    away from transaction processing
    compensation based on book handled
    a relationship manager

    go to zappo to understand what a service culture really is

    how to get online business

    search engines only look at one page
    people should try to go to main page not home page
    set up keywords in google under adwords

    create your site to create relationships

    learn to do business online going to google ad words

    morning class/resource pro

    top produces spend 32% of time selling and 52% time servicing
    csr 52% servicing 26 on phone rest sellingt
    how do get away from processing to selling
    strengthen your strengths not your weakness

    delegate routine tasks
    improve workflows
    redeploy your people

    lower the cost of the processing expense get those people involve in the sales process,
    do we measure the processing fees in FBD
    do we have measurements on errors
    are employees engaged and internal buy in
    need to have a good communication strategy as employees will feel threaten

    ask employees thier wish list of what they want to do and what they hate to do

    social media

    tech trends

    eyejot for video mail

    evernote to send news and e-mais

    chrome for web browser

    google new operating system

    google voice mail

    eye -fi photo wireless


    sehhey beta is online tool to work with other people

    one passwped

    • Tom, thanks for sharing your insights. Since the meeting Zappos has been acquired by Amazon. While I think Amazon has good customer service I certainly don't think it reaches the level of Zappos. It will be interesting to see if Amazon can aquire the Zappos culture instead of the other way around. Good to see you at HIGH-TECC.